The horn antenna is a broadband passive device, shaped like a pyramid horn, referred to as a TEM antenna, which guides the beam of radio waves at a precise frequency. FT-RF Double Ridged Horn antennas have frequency capabilities ranging from 400MHz to 40GHz depending on type and style.
FT-RF can adjust the connector and increase the waterproof mechanism and can be combined with multiple antennas.
The antenna main body with the bracket using CNC precision manufacturing, and adopt a more weather resistant material aluminum material and the surface through the 6061 and 7071 Aluminum special handling to prevent oxidation.
FT-RF antennas are designing and manufacturing in Taiwan with an RF network analyzer and adjust the testing laboratory to ensure the stability and quality of our products.
With more than 15 years of experience in researching, developing, and manufacturing this line product. FT-RF Antennas are lightweight, easy to install, and design for a quick test, with an average gain and factor design and VSWR. They are suitable for RF chamber, antenna calibration, RF component testing, interference antenna, signal collection antenna, and characteristics of various RF designs. In addition, they have high power, low F/B, durability, and a three-year warranty.
網友看了也幫嗆酸民,「驗屋嚴格又怎麼了不是應該的嗎?去看日本人驗屋才真的叫一個龜毛,連一個划痕都要標記的」。對此,鄭家純也分享:「我看到客廳落地窗上有幾條10-30公分不等的刮痕,我問這是怎麼刮到的?一個工作人員說,應該是運來的時候就這樣了」。 讓她傻眼:「那為什麼要把已經有刮傷的裝上去?」網友認為建商「僥倖心理貪方便跟不想負擔成本」。
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